The excitement of studying and meditating on the Psalter continues with psalm 19. Thank you for your prayers and support!
I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how he could look up into the heavens and say there is no God. ~ Abraham Lincoln
The starry sky above me and the moral law in me…are the two things which fill the soul with ever and new increasing admiration and reverence. ~ Immanual Kant
This psalm is both a hymn of praise and a petition. It can also be classified as a wisdom psalm (and it is by many scholars) and as a Torah psalm (see the second part of the psalm and compare it with psalms 1 and 119). Waltke titles it: A Royal Sage Praises and Petitions I AM (YHWH).
Here are some notes from his outline:
I. Firmament’s Praise of God’s Glory and Knowledge (1-6)
A. Temporal and Spatial Universality of Its Inaudible Praise (1-4)
B. Sun’s Universal Testimony (5-6)
II. Psalmist’s Praise of I AM’s [the LORD’s] Torah (7-10)
III. Psalmist’s Petition for Salvation (12-13)
A. Pardon for Hidden Guilt (11-12)
B. Preserve from Guilt of Apostasy (13)
Epilogue: Dedicatory Prayer (14)
Here are some relevant questions:
1. Do you meditate on all that God has done to reveal Himself?
2. Do you use God’s Word as a source of restoration between God and yourself?
3. Do you long and desire for God’s Word?
4. What are some ‘rewards’ that you received from following God’s Word?
Enjoy studying and meditating the psalms, and please send any questions you may have about this passage or just write them in the comments for this blog. Thank you!
Many blessings and joy!
Teaching Pastor,
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