Thursday, March 12, 2009

Announcements: 3/8/09

  1. Re-grouping for Koinonia is under way. If you want can check the first draft with Deacon Song. Your suggestions are still appreciated.
  2. We decided to take one more week to pray for the fund raise for Thai mission. Please continue to pray that we may faithfully participate in the Great Commision of our Lord. Next Sunday we will make pledge. Our target is to raise 10 million Won (50 accounts X 200,000 won)

Sermon: 3/8/09

Faithful God
Exodus 40:34-38

1. Unfaithfuness of Israel
  • Repeaed acts of unfaithfuness
  • Exodus story of rebelious children

2. Faithfulness of God
  • Unceasing faithfuness to His own promise
  • Exodus story of a faithfule father

3. Israel as God's glory
  • Worldwide news: Israel over Egypt
  • Exodus story of victory's glory

  1. Do you see how God is involved in your life? How important is the relationship with God for you?
  2. Do you see at the end God's faithfulness prevails in your life? Share your story.
  3. In what ways does God's glory manifest itself in your life? How does God's glory affect (or Change) you?