Monday, February 16, 2009

Sermon: 2/15/09

No Other Gods beore Me

Exodus 20:1~6

1. Preamble: Deliverance out of Egypt
A. I am the Lord your God
B. Remember that I saved you

2. You have only one God
A. Man's self-frustration
B. "before me":the weight of indignity

3. Danger for the observance of it
A. Multiplication of image making (e.g.,magic)
B. God's jealously: monogamic relation between God and Israel


  1. Do you agree that there has to be one God, the Fod of the Bible? Why is it that all other gods have to be false gods?
  2. People often create their own gods to whom they pray for blessings. But they rather hget frustrated because their gods fail to bless them. Share your story if yoy know any examples of that kind.
  3. How does "before me" affect you?
  4. How would you livfe knowing that God is jealous God? How does it change your attitude about the things that you value highly?

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