- Welcome all the worshipers and may God richly bless you today!
- It is already the Sunday of February. How are you keeping your devotion with the Lord? Please keep up your basics, the Bible-reading and prayer.
- After Koinonia there will be a mission commitee meeting. An evaluation session for English Camp will be combined as well.
- We would like to re-group ourselves for Koinonia. Your ideas and opinion are appreciated.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Announcements: 2/22/09
Sermon: 2/22/09
Church's Responsiblility for the Society
Exodus 23:1-9 (20:22-23:13)
1. Redemption, worship and law
- Wholistic view of redemption
- book of Covenant(24:7) as a law for th nation of God
- No sacred-seculat dichotomy
- Socil dimension of "subdue the earth" (Gen 1:28)
- Vertical and horizontal
- Curch's fault today
- As s Christian how do you see the issues like social justice and service for society? How are you implementong it to your Christian life?
- Explain the function and place of the law in the life of Israelites who are just deliverared out of Egypt?
- Explain why redemption, worship and law are presented in such order in the Book of Covenat? What is the practical lesson for us?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Announcements: 2/15/09
- Welcome all the worshipers and may God richly bless you today!
- English Camp was a great success by the grace of God. We glorify ad give thatnks to God for that.
- Many thanks to all the people who participated in the Camp. It was a blessin to all of students, teachers and staff.
- Next Sunday, there will be a mission commitee meeting. Please be prepared to give a report on your progress for preparation.
Sermon: 2/15/09
No Other Gods beore Me
Exodus 20:1~6
1. Preamble: Deliverance out of Egypt
A. I am the Lord your God
B. Remember that I saved you
2. You have only one God
A. Man's self-frustration
B. "before me":the weight of indignity
3. Danger for the observance of it
A. Multiplication of image making (e.g.,magic)
B. God's jealously: monogamic relation between God and Israel
- Do you agree that there has to be one God, the Fod of the Bible? Why is it that all other gods have to be false gods?
- People often create their own gods to whom they pray for blessings. But they rather hget frustrated because their gods fail to bless them. Share your story if yoy know any examples of that kind.
- How does "before me" affect you?
- How would you livfe knowing that God is jealous God? How does it change your attitude about the things that you value highly?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Announcements: 2/8/09
1. Welcome all the worshipers and may God abundantly bless you.
2. English Camp for youth is held this week from 12th till 14th. Please pray that mat be a groly to God and a challege to students.
3. Please make sure that you spend some quality time with th Lord through prayer and reading the Bible. May God bless your time with Him.
4. There will be a staff meeting after Koinonia.
2. English Camp for youth is held this week from 12th till 14th. Please pray that mat be a groly to God and a challege to students.
3. Please make sure that you spend some quality time with th Lord through prayer and reading the Bible. May God bless your time with Him.
4. There will be a staff meeting after Koinonia.
Sermon: 2/8/09
The Passover Sacrifice
Exodus 12:21~30
1. Redemption
A. The Passover lamb slain in the place of the firstborn of Israelites
B. The Lord passed over the houses of the Israelites
2. Purification
A. The blood was applied by a bunch of a bunch of hyssop
B. The houses of Israelites distinguished by the blood
3. Fellowship
A. Eating the meat signifies fellowship
B. More than a private feast, it was a national feast
4. A lasting ordinance to remember
A. Teach your children the meaning of Passover
B. veryone is to remember how the Lord had saved you
a. The Passover has brought two opposite meaning: redemption for Israel but judgment for Egypt. Ot is the same for us well; salvation for us means the judgemnt for the evil world. How do you take that?
2. remember the order; redemption, purification, and fellowship. Do you see thsese elements i your walk with the Lord? What happens if any do to them is missiong?
3. What do you do to remember how God has saved you, just as the Passover is a lasting ordinance? Share your practical suggestions.
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