Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sermon : 08/24/2008

Three Officership of Christ
(Colossians 1:15-23)

1. Christ the Prophet
  • He reveals God
  • He reveals the divine will
2. Christ th Priest
  • He represents men before God
  • He becomes redemption for men
3. Christ the King
  • He is the Head over all things
  • We belong to Him

4. We represent Christ in threefold ways: prophetic, priestly and kingly

  1. Who is Christ to you? In what ways does he relate to you in your practical life?
  2. In what ways us Christ a prophet to you? Find examples in your life.
  3. In what ways is Christ a priest to you? Find examples in your life.
  4. In what ways is Christ a king to you? Find examples in your life.
  5. How would practice the threefold representation of Christ in your life?

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