Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Lord is My Shepherd - Psalm 23

After a 2 week break from the Psalter to rejoice in the Resurrection of our Savior, we will continue with our study by meditating on Psalm 23.

This is clearly one of the most beloved and well-known psalms in the Psalter, and it would be great if we all memorized (I am sure some of you have memorized it already). If you already know it in Korean, try to memorize it in English. If you know it in English, try to memorize it in Korean, or some other language. I am still working on Hebrew and Korean, but I am stuck on the first verse in Korean! :)

As you read and meditate on this psalm, think about the following issues:

1) Can anyone appropriate this popular psalm, or does it apply only to believers? What does the image of 'shepherd' convey to you?
2) Do you see any relationships between this psalm and the surrounding ones (especially 22 and 24)?
3) This psalm is classified as a psalm of trust/confidence (just like psalm 16). In what way(s) is this psalm edifying you?
4) In this psalm the Lord is pictured as a shepherd. Which metaphors do you find most vivid and helpful for your walk with the Lord? How?
5) Why do you think that there is a change of person (from 3rd to 2nd) in verse 4?
6) The Lord seems to be pictured as a Host in vv. 5 and 6. How are the images in these verses helpful in your Christian walk?

7) Which explanations did you find most useful? Pay special attention to the "goodness and mercy" [better: goodness and steadfast love] in v. 6.
8) Which line is central for the understanding of this psalm?

Many blessings and joy as you meditate on this Psalm and follow the Good Shepherd on the path of life!