Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sermon: October 26, 2008

Perseverance of the Saints
Luke 22:54~62(John 21:15~18)

1. Meaning of perseverance
  • not that salvation is certain if we have once believed
  • but that perseverance in holiness is certain if we have truly believed
2. Chief misunderstanding: A tendency to relax watchful effort to grow in grace because true Christians will not fall away totally, is an evidence that we are not in a gracious state

3. Certainty of success
  • not that persistent effort on our part is not necessary
  • but that in this effort we are certain of success
4. Ground of perseverance
  • God's decree of election
  • The intercessory work of Christ
  • The constant indwelling of the Holy Spirit

  • Are you sure of your salvation? What makes you think that way?
  • Can a person believe in Christ and eventually deny Him later? Then, how should we take his first confession of faith?
  • Is salvation dependent upon whether you persevere in this world? How does the lesson on perseverance give us comport and assurance?

Announcements: October 26, 2008

  • Today is the Reformation Sunday, commemorating the Reformation Day (October 31, 1517).
  • Those who have been baptized but want to be baptized, please talk to pastor about the procedure. Baptism will be conducted on November 16th.
  • Pastor Kang is doing home visitation. For scheduling, please report to Angie.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sermon: October 12, 2008

Repent and Be Saved
Matthew 3:1~12

1. Repent for the kingdom is here
  • Urgency for repentance
  • Repentance and faith
2. The judgment is imminent
  • The danger of impenitent heart
  • Delayed only by God's mercy
3. Produce fruit in keeping with repentance
  • Proof of living faith
  • Repent daily


  1. How often do you repent before God? What is the most difficult thing about repentance?
  2. Do you make daily repentance? How does it help your relationship with God? What would be your tips for other people with regard repentance?
  3. Do you have anything you have not yet repented before God? Would you like to do it this week?

Announcements: October 12, 2008

  • From next week pastor Kang will do home visitation. If you want to schedule it, please inform to Angie.
  • Next week is mission emphasis week. Thai mission committee will meet after Koinonia. all the coordinators, please be prepared to report on your progress about preparation.
  • Please read the Bible everyday. It is essential for your spiritual growth.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sermon: October 5, 2008

Not I, But by Faith (WCF.14)
(Galatians 2:20)

1. What is Saving Faith?
  • The indwelling of the Holy Spirit
  • By the ministry of the Word
2. What does Saving Faith do?
  • You believe that you are saved by faith
  • You believe that the Word is true
  • You are united with Christ by faith
3. What benefits do you receive by faith?
  • You receive all the grace of Christ
  • You need to strengthen you faith


  1. How would you define what faith is? What is it like to have faith in a practical term?
  2. When do you need faith most? How do you manage yourself other times when you are not particularly conscious of faith?
  3. Share your weakness in your Christian life and suggest for each other as to how faith can help your weakness.

Announcements: October 5, 2008

  • Thanks to God we had a retreat last weekend. Thanks to those who participated.
  • Some Pakistani brothers are right now in custody at Hwasung facility. Please pray for their safety and the process.
  • Please remain for PPP at the end of Koinonia to pray for one another.