Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sermon: 2008/09/14

Justification by Faith
Romans 4:1~8 (WCF.11)

1. Justification for Abraham
  • By faith was Abraham justified
  • Faith, then and now
2. Justification without works
  • Why not works? for work wages are not a gift
  • God justified us when we were the wicked
3. Justification is a free grace
  • David's envy: a new status without works
  • Blessed are those whose past status is covered


  1. Have you had ay incidents because of your status? What was the most unpleasant thing about it? Have you tried to change it? Did work in the way you wanted?
  2. To be called righteous means a new status for us before God. Does a new status mean special or different to you compared to your prior status as a sinner?
  3. You are now called righteous even if you did not work for it. How does that message affect your life? How does it motivate you to share it with your meighbors and friends?

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