Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sermon : 08/31/2008

Free Will (WCF. Ch.9)
Genesis 2:16~17

1. Meaning of personhood
  • Not a robot
  • Created in God's iamge
2. Freedom within the boundary
  • How free?: all minus one
  • Freedom dependent on God's provision
3. The desire of the will
  • Free and happy decision to obey God
  • Not a matter of choice

  1. How free do you think you are politically, socially, economically and morally? What is it like to be a free person in this world? What do you think limits or hinders your freedom? And how free can you be?
  2. Why and how did the freedom cause to sin against God, when human begins are created to be by God?
  3. What is the common misunderstanding about the freedom of will? How could it be corrected or supplemented?